The information on this page was last updated on 30/06/2024.
Country of Incorporation: England and Wales
Company Registration Number: 08866498
Main Country of Operation: Great Britain Registered Office: 1a Kingsley Way, London N2 0FW
Telephone: 020 8815 1600
Article of associations
London Stock Market AIM: SSTY
The Company is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
Significant Shareholders & capital structure
The information was last updated on 30/06/2024
64,935,414 ordinary shares of 1p each. Shares not in public hands are 57.3% of the issued capital.
Safestay plc shares are traded on AIM and are not traded on any other exchanges or trading platforms.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of Safestay plc’s AIM securities.
Total aggregate amount of shares unpaid – Nil
Shares held in Treasury – Nil
Reporting Accountants:
Haysmacintyre, 10 Queen Street Place, London EC4R 1AG
HSBC UK Bank plc., Level 6, 71 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4V 4AY
Nominated Adviser:
Shore Capital and Corporate Limited, Cassini House, 57 St James’ Street, London, SW1A 1LD
Shore Capital Stockbrokers Limited, Cassini House, 57 St James’ Street, London, SW1A 1LD
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP, 9 Haymarket Square, Edinburgh EH3 8FY
Link Group, 10th Floor, Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL